Where Do You Like To Work From?

Hey there!
Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash

Welcome back to Tentative Talks!

Today I want to visit with y'all about your creative space. Where do you like to work, write, design, etc., from?
Are you the person who likes to work in the coffee shop?
What about traveling from your current city to somewhere new to get that inspiration?
Or are you like me who mostly stays home to write?

So where is it that you create your magic from?

I tend to jump around in my spaces. Some days I'm writing from my couch covered in my fuzzy blankets with my dog curled up in my lap. While other days I like to work in one of the local coffee shops that are all around Lubbock, or today I'm actually sitting at a desk writing this post.

A current look at my desk!

As you can tell it's a complete mess. The stack of spirals and books on my left, surrounded by my candles and art supplies. But somehow this is how I function with my writing space! In a way it represents my mind when I'm writing or even blogging. I obtain this one idea and I start with that, then suddenly I have this new idea and I decide to go down that rabbit hole. That is somehow my thought process that seems to work for me.

(I know it is a little crazy.)

So once again. Where do you write? Where do you go to find your inspiration?
I would love to hear from you and to see your places that you enjoy working on projects! Feel free to share below in the comment section, so I can see your places!

Thanks once again!

- Tabatha 


  1. Midnight, Lights out, Country Music playing, google docs on my phone! I love this post much more fun!

  2. Definitely from a good ol’fashion desktop environment here. Lol. That and some YouTube “chill dubstep music” playlists going in the background/via headphones. Definitely helps to focus on one rabbit hole at a time!! xD


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